Efforts have been made from many different angles to eradicate inequity in education; EEA members have presented and shared deep-dive data on their work. Actions have been implemented and broader partnerships are in process.

The amount of work has been done to materialize equitable

By |2022-11-09T17:45:36+07:00November 12, 2022|Knowledge|0 Comments

5 blockages, holding back Equitable Education emerged from EEA problem-based discussion. Tireless attempts from Equitable Educators discovered these barriers from all levels of practice. Urgently require proper actions.

EEA Problem-based discussion carried out 5 blockages on implementing equitable

By |2022-11-09T17:36:46+07:00November 11, 2022|Knowledge|0 Comments

EEA partnership initiates Equity-Ed HUB website. An online platform that contains resources and materials based on Equitable Education. Accessible at equity-ed.net, anticipating more equity resource inputs.

Excellent and unique efforts from Alliance draw out success, with

By |2022-11-14T10:52:18+07:00November 10, 2022|Knowledge|0 Comments
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