The Creativity in Education Summit 2023 gathers policymakers, students, researchers, and leaders from the private sector in leading industries worldwide. The purpose is to explore the latest trends and innovations in fostering creative thinking skills and critical thinking to transform the future of education globally.

Dr.Kraiyos Patrawart, Managing Director, Equitable Education Fund (Thailand) presents research findings and innovative learning reforms to cultivate creative thinking skills, the key to unlocking children and young adults towards a limitless future and sustainable move out from poverty At the Creativity in Education Summit 2023 Paris, France.
Session: 23 November 2023 at 04:15 – 05:10 pm (UTC+7), Online
Register Now for online participant: https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIud-ippz4rGdEJgyCs_TxoYIdVcU4cbmk9#/registration
Further information about the event: https://www.oecd.org/education/ceri/international-conference-creativity-education-summit-oct2023-paris.htm
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Event Introduction