5 – 7 June 2022 | By invitation only
Shangri-la Hotel Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Type)
High-level regional policy dialogues and exchanges are key opportunities to share good practices and deliberate on how to address common challenges. They are also an opportunity to commit to collective and coordinated efforts and expanding partnerships, as the COVID impact revealed that education is not only a domestic affair but digital/online/distance education can be accessed beyond national boundaries, and cross-border learning and student/teacher mobility can be facilitated. Such dialogues will effectively inform and facilitate educational transformations and policy reform, and support the acceleration of progress towards SDG4.
Therefore, UNESCO Bangkok, in collaboration with UNICEF EAPRO and UNICEF ROSA, will organize the second Asia-Pacific Ministerial Education Ministers’ Conference (APREMC II), which is co-hosted by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and organized with the kind collaboration of the Ministry of Education, Cultures, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. The meeting will be convened under the umbrella of the Asia-Pacific Learning and Education 2030+ (LE2030+) Network Group in June 2022. The meeting follows the 2014 high-level Asia-Pacific Education Conference (APREC) which discussed issues, challenges, and priorities for education beyond 2015 from an Asia-Pacific perspective and developed a set of regional recommendations for the post-2015 global education agenda.
APREMC II is also partly positioned as a follow-up to the Global Education Meeting (GEM) 2021 debates, of which the July session’s outcome document invited UNESCO to strengthen the “linkages in the global-regional-country levels of coordination within the GCM and to take forward the commitments made in the Paris Declaration: Call for Action at the regional level”.
APREMC II will provide a platform for ministers of the 46 Member States of the region and other education stakeholders to take stock and analyze progress made in the region towards SDG4, against the backdrop of the impact and responses to COVID-19. It will identify, discuss and agree on priority actions and strategies for effective education/learning recovery and system transformation, for the acceleration of progress towards SDG4 in the region and generate recommendations for action. Its outcomes will also be one of the regional contributions to the SDG4 High-level Steering Committee (HLSC), which will be convened in July 2022.
1. Achieving a deep transformation of education systems and building resilience (e.g., more flexible, more inclusive, resilient, more digital, more environmentally friendly, and sustainable systems)
2. Achieving learning recovery and, in the longer term, improving learning outcomes (addressing the learning crisis)
3. Achieving increased and better investment in education and enablers for transformation
For more information : https://apasdg4education2030.org/apremc2022/
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Event Introduction